General Information

Process Mining for Jira Datacenter

by MrAddon® by TecnoFor





The ProcessMining For Jira is designed to extract data from issues at a Jira instance in an efficient and automated way. This app is specifically thinked for businesses or individuals that need to extract data from a large number of Jira issues on a regular basis, allowing users to select by JQL specific Jira projects and issue types from which to extract data.

On this page


The ProcessMining For Jira is designed to extract data from issues at a Jira instance in an efficient and automated way. This app is specifically thinked for businesses or individuals that need to extract data from a large number of Jira issues on a regular basis, allowing users to select by JQL specific Jira projects and issue types from which to extract data.

In a future

    • users will can also choose which fields they want to extract data from and in what format they want to export the data, at the moment only CSV is enabled but will be included Excel, and JSON.
    • runs on a schedule, allowing users to schedule data extractions at specific intervals. Now and ever users can also run extractions manually when they needed.
    • new interface for better performance an usability

Take a look to this short video: 👇👇👇

Install and configuration

Install in Jira by your Jira Admin using the standard view of "Manage Apps" → "Find new Apps" 

Firewall rules for Jira instances behind VPN

Your Jira must allow incoming connections from IP and/or* 

How does it work?

Only Jira Admins can use this App.  Just go to "Manage Apps" → "Process Mining" and click in "/start_job" POST method


Each data exports is a Job, and can be run in asinchronous way (launch and exit, return and check) because some querys can be heavy and need a long execution time. When the job finish you received an email with a link to download the file with the response. In this version the file generated is limited to 500 issues on results, and only is allowed 1 job for Jira instance and user concurrently.

  • Here an example of a succesful call to "/start_job"

  • Exists other methods like "/status_job" or "/stop_job". If your export is becoming too large, you can always cancel the import using stop_job, or you can know the status of the job using "/status_job". The parameters are the same. Only one job at same time is accepted by instance.

  • The final result will be an email with a link to the CSV file:
    • Process mining assumes the existence of an event log where each event refers to a case, an activity, and a point in time. An event log can be seen as a collection of cases and a case can be seen as a trace/sequence of events. 

    • Event data may come from a wide variety of sources:

      • a comma-separated values (CSV) file or spreadsheet,
      • a database system (e.g., patient data in a hospital),
      • a transaction log (e.g., a trading system),
      • a business suite/ERP system (SAP, Oracle, etc.),
      • a message log (e.g., from IBM middleware),
      • an open API providing data from websites or social media,


      • Ideally, event logs are stored in the standard format for process mining XES. However, the native format is seldom and an event log. Often Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files are used as an intermediate format. The rows in a CSV file correspond to events and the columns to attributes of events. There should be columns for the case identifier, the activity name, and the timestamp of an event, but there may be many more attributes.
      • ProM and most other process mining tools (Celonis, Uipath, Minit, Apromore, Inverbis, etc.) can convert a CSV file into an event log by assigning columns to process mining concepts.

Release Notes

2023-08-23 First version of the App

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Nesten alle preparater er lovlige alternativer produsert med helt naturlige aktive ingredienser, ment å gi de best egnede resultatene uten noen av de uønskede bivirkningene av ekte Testosteron tilskudd. Hvis du er idrettsmann, kan du nesten definitivt ha litt mer bakgrunnsinformasjon om anabole, men mange mennesker som i virkeligheten bruker dem; disse korte bakgrunnsdataene er alt de egentlig trengte for å overbevise disse om å begynne å bruke disse pillene. Det er rett og slett på grunn av denne grunnen at mange brukere av anabole midler begynner å skade seg selv fordi de ikke har tatt seg tid nok til å undersøke alt som trengs før de velger å prøve slike tabletter. Noen individer kan være på vei mot det de kommer over fra andre kunder og valgte å gjenta handlinger som dem, mens sannheten er at de må unngå å gjøre dette fordi kroppen oppfører seg annerledes enn Testosteron tilskudd. Den viktigste grunnen til at folk kan gå med testosteron tilskudd over anabole er ganske enkelt på grunn av det faktum at ekte varer er forbudt, bortsett fra hvis du kan kjøpe dem på resept, noe som kan være umulig fordi du burde ha en form for sann klinisk årsak til å kunne prøv dem. Å innse at det faktisk er forbudt å få testosteron tilskudd best i test er ekstremt skremmende siden mange individer ikke vil være involvert i noen form for konflikt med retningslinjene for å forbedre sine evner gjennom uautorisert medisin. En annen ting er at de fleste trenger å ty til det svarte markedet for å kjøpe autentiske nettbrett, dette stedet er fylt med forfalskede ting som er utvannet, og dette gjør det ganske skyggefullt.

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