Enable board background image

Click in the board  “” → “Board Settings” and go to the options of “Kanban WIP Configuration” in the “General” section.  Select a background or a URL and the image selected will be applied to all users of the board.



Enable personal image

Click in “Enable Personal image” check to change and activate the personal background picture in the board, just select one from the pop-up or add a custom URL image from the internet!

KANBAN board - Agile board - TecnoFor Jirasupport - Google Chrome 18_10_2023 11_35_25.png

Let’s add a new IMAGE! (just click in IMAGE and scroll down to select a custom image from internet)

KANBAN board - Agile Board - Jira - Google Chrome 11_07_2022 19_34_14.png

KANBAN board - Agile Board - Jira - Google Chrome 11_07_2022 19_34_32.png